
Monday, 9 December 2013


Posted by at 08:29:00




我想要征服东马的mount kinabalu,挑战自己的体能。



我想要到英国的Royal Albert Hall听一场Adele的演唱会,感受下现场的live orchestra,还有配上Adele干净利落,富有感情的好歌。当然要provided that Adele会再一次perform.

列了那么多的wishlist,能否达成实在是个未知数。所以,致我将来的生活,我会work hard,play hard.请不要辜负我的人生。

Friday, 18 October 2013

Holidays end

Posted by at 13:11:00
Three weeks holidays just passed too fast,I will back to Melaka again tomorrow.Haven't mentally nor physically well prepared to school reopen.Next semester will be the last two semester of my whole LLB programme. Kinda looking forward to finish my degree programme so that I can party like a animal,hehe...No la, actually I am more looking forward to my graduation day. Many thoughts flash through my mind such as where to go for my graduation trip, which legal firm to chamber with and etc...And now,I am quite dilemma still.

Just got my result yesterday.There's improvement but cgpa only raised a bit.A bit disappointed but overall I am satisfied with my result.Need to work more harder next semester although I know raising in gpa would not help much in raising my cgpa. Never mind, I will just try my best to strive higher.

Come on, let's work hard, play hard!
The 2011 me.Only silly, nerd and sampat can be drawn.Phew~

Thursday, 10 October 2013


Posted by at 16:23:00


与潘大少的庆祝晚餐也不是在生日当天,而是提早在Equatorial Hotel的Kampachi吃。话说我跟潘大少说我很想在生日的时候去那边吃自助餐,要他不必再绞尽脑汁去想带我去什么新地方吃啦!结果他就欺骗我说当时是开斋节,所以没有自助餐吃,害我还小失望了一下。原本以为自助餐是吃不成了,但是到了目的地后,他又说很想上厕所,建议我们进去Equatorial Hotel里面上厕所。就是这样,他成功把我骗到了。(当然我也是有顺便配合,脸上显得又惊又喜啦!)而且我们也已经计划好要在生日当天去爬山,去爬那座我吵了很久要去爬的Broga Hill.实在是想不到要在生日当天干些什么,反正来来去去不外乎就是吃饭逛街看电影,所以去爬山是个很好玩的活动。加上我又很喜欢热闹,所以能够与朋友们去做一些户外活动真的是非常赞啊!

food of the night.

生日当天,我起得特别早。因为我们要往Broga Hill出发去啦。清晨4点多就起床,然后5点就从马六甲出发去Semenyih.一路上大家都昏睡着,没什么精神。可怜潘大少还得精神奕奕地驾车。去Semenyih的路不容易走,我们就是依靠waze的指引,中途还需穿过一段弯弯的田园路,直到看到Nottingham University我们才放心些,知道Broga Hill就快到了。之前有上网做过一些research,知道爬山客的车是要泊在油棕园里的。我们到了油棕园后,天空还是一片漆黑。但还是见到有车子在那里停泊,心里不禁佩服起这些爬山客怎么那么勇敢,可以那么早就去爬啊!



在我的to-do-list里,其实我还想尝试多不同的户外活动。我想征服mount kinabalu,我还想到纽西兰去玩sky diving,我想去滑雪等等。希望我能够逐一达成啦!


Saturday, 24 August 2013


Posted by at 15:28:00

与朋友们的话题就是 “我们的robe是紫色的哦。。。这一次毕业是以FOL的身份毕业啦bla bla bla...其实,毕业典礼既是一个结束,它是一个象征着我们求学生涯的句点。然而,它也同时是一个开始,让我们踏入社会成为新鲜人。有些人选择继续升学,为自己加都点筹码以觅得一份好工,没继续升学的人也会开始工作,毕竟读了三四年的大学,无论如何都要学以致用吧!





Saturday, 17 August 2013

Back to campus

Posted by at 17:57:00
Dear bloggie,

Hi,it has been a very long time I never keep in touch with you.Are you doing well?I know you are growing spider web or even mold. Once I wish I could keep a habit to update my blog often with the purpose to record down everything happened in my daily life.However, since when it became my weekly update,further far to monthly update and now to indefinite period update,forgive me that I couldn't count it.Therefore,I shall update something here.But the problem is,I am dilemma in structuring my blog.What should I write first?When should I start from?

Looking back my last post,it was the matter few months ago where I still doing my attachment.Now,I am back to campus again.Continuing my life as a final year law student.Student life is simple,fun and busy as usual.Somehow many of my friends also have a common feeling that final year life actually is like back to foundation time.We started to know each other again after 3 months of separation,sharing our working experience,looking some people have changed their hairstyles and etc.Just don't know why,everything we've done such as wandering around Jusco,DP and MP after class,yamcha in somewhere to wait for the next class and playing sports together are all the routines when we were still young.By the way,we are not young anymore.It can be seen when you could see there are so many new faces in Mori Cafe.All of them are young,energetic and cute.

Final year subjects are not easy,still tough...Even though i heard many rumors said that final year is easy,all can be learnt in attachment and bla bla bla...But what I've found in the end is...who said final year is easy?We still have to study like a dog,doing endless tutorials every week,and attending some boring lectures such as Jurisprudence,holding super thick Professional Practice notes.And the nightmare is...have to wear black&white formal plus heels to walk around during the sunny days.I can die you know??

Okay,mumble enough.I still hang out every week despite of studies,enjoying my life as usual.The recent leisure place is none other than Starbucks.Nothing special,just because of the environment is too suitable for chit-chatting.

Now,let's the pictures do the rest.
catch up with besties right after backed to melaka.
our last law seminar.
welcomed by haze as my returning gift.So,mask is a must to wear when everyone are going out.
Zizihan's birthday.

Then comes to August,my turn to become 22.

Our Candy crush time-Jurisprudence lecture.
pak to.
Jia Min's visit.The girl I miss a lot when she's not around.
Still,Jurisprudence lecture is boring.
I know I keep on repeating that Jurisprudence lecture is boring.But..this is the fact.I never tell lie.Who ask the Prof. requires everyone of us to do that bloody peer assessment??It is really troublesome and bored@#$%And I have nothing else to express how unwilling for me to do this thing.

And lastly,Please...for those who have seen this post,please don't spread it to the Prof.I don't wish to fail his subject.Thank you very much.

Friday, 17 May 2013

Small kid finished legal attachment

Posted by at 16:47:00
Well,currently I am having my semester break after three months of working.Actually it cant be said as 'working'.The formal word given by our Uni is 'legal attachment'.However, due to the common practice that most of the legal firm would pay some allowance to attachee, so here comes the description as working.For me,I got zero allowance from my legal firm.What I got from this firm is just a Lexis Nexis legal planner from the librarian,but still better than nothing la hehe.She just passed me the 'souvenir' in a very sudden way,till I just accepted it and said thank you in a very weird tone,freaking weird I think.By the way, as I said before, the giving of allowance is actually meant nothing for me,the utmost importance should be the entire process of it.
somehow,I miss the time of doing opinion writing.
MKCJ office which looks like a clinic.
So basically,this post will be talking about bits and bites of my legal attachment. But still,I am facing dilemma on how to start to write. What and how should I write?It is just like how dilemma am I on doing my final report.K la,I'll just vomit out what's popping out from my mind though...Life in Maxwell Kenion Cowdy & Jones (MKCJ) actually was fun. Working in a big firm really needs courage to take initiative.It is because there is no one will guide and teach you what to do in the firm.From the first day I stepped into the partner's office, he just told me that he will not guide me.That means I have to find thing to do in my own way.As a result, I just ended up my first day in the firm to read books in the firm's library.The time spent with books like pretending to be a bookworm was ended after my external supervisor-Mr.James Ong came and picked Suit Yee and me to be his personal assistant.Our first job was to do some research on his cases.So,my three months time was more on litigation job and I am totally dumb in conveyancing job.

Litigation job is none other than doing pleading,affidavit,research,various of examinations.As a student,as my knowledge in procedure area is limited,I can't help much in that.Besides that,I was adapted myself in some administrative work such as drafting letter,but I think almost every single letter I drafted have been amended by the lawyer.Photocopy documents where I think I have wasted the firm's paper like my dad is the paper's supplier.Sometimes,I will feel that I was such a stupid as I was so clumsy in photocopy/printing documents.Just too many mistakes such as pressed the setting of the machine wrongly,printed the documents from the wrong tray and etc bla bla...Attending court can be considered as my usual work,I will go to court at least twice in a week.The reason why can we attending court so frequent was because the distance between the court and our firm is just stone throw away.Sometimes for filing of documents,hearing,making payment,getting documents from particular officer and passing documents.Almost 80% of those attending court's work are actually dispatch work.However,as a student,I just have to learn every single little work including dealing with court officer.Dealing with them is definitely not an easy one.You have to recognize the various faces of them and understand their role.I used to wait at the wrong kiosk and wasted my time.Of course,they used to 'show face' to me where I still have to talk to them softly provided with smiling face.What can I say?That's life of a lawyer and I think no one can escape from this stage.

Let's talk about the people I met in this firm.I was so lucky that I met a number of MMU seniors at here.Just feel so surprise that there are MMU students everywhere.We used to spend time in the library to gossip,fool around as well as 'curi tulang'.Haha...
My colleagues.Left out the most diligent one- Ong Ki.
Our supervisor,James Ong who likes to gelar sy and me as 'kids'.
Making retarded act with our supervisor.

Ashvin/MMU senior/crazy woman
Too bad I couldn't take photo with all of them personally.By the way,I believe that we will still meet up one day.

Now,it is not the time for me to miss this and that,nor dedicate whatever.I have to chase my time in order to complete my final report.Why la need to do final report?I still want to lepak-lepak=(

Thursday, 16 May 2013


Posted by at 13:30:00





Tuesday, 16 April 2013


Posted by at 21:00:00





Monday, 25 March 2013


Posted by at 21:52:00

当OL的日子还是一样,天天早上如常上班,早上待在办公室里的日子特难过,所以我都很期待往外跑,无论是去听hearing还是filing,我都很乐意去跟。不过,等filing的时间也是很难过,实在是搞不懂这些department officer怎样工作啦!午餐时间过后才是我喜欢待在办公室的时候,就是觉得吃饱后待在冷气房比较舒服啦,呵呵!

在这里park车最大的问题不是一天RM4的parking钱,而是那群该死的鸽子太厉害排泄了!Office前的大操场是鸽子的流连场所,虽然广场外有鸽子的衬托好像是诗意,因为这样的情境总会让我联想起罗马广场,但是它们的大便实在是太委屈我的车了。可怜我的英雄,天天要饱受皮肉之臭。情况太糟糕的时候,我唯有send to car wash,这样更省时方便,又不需要我去擦大便。
还有我那很vintage的办公室,在这里工作的自由性很高,我所指的自由性是发言自由性。因为library都只有我们几个attachment and chambering students在用,所以我们总是高谈阔论得很畅快!
your voice counts!
This is how I spent part of my sister's book voucher.
my belated valentines gift,it is a bit feminine though...
provided with terms and conditions apply.
当我拆开了礼物,真的是无言到一种无可救药的地步呀!这就是:When your boyfriend is a lawyer@@

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