
Monday 15 October 2012


Posted by at 22:04:00

这只臭东西入了我们家门大概两年多了。原本她是一只流浪猫,但是我那热爱小动物的妹妹看见她在外流浪很可怜,就一直喂她吃东西。 慢慢地,她就开始在我们家流连了。久而久之,她就升级变成了我们家的宠物猫。起初我和爸爸都很讨厌她,因为我们都是不太喜爱小动物的人。每当我回到家,看见她在家里走来走去的样子都觉得很不顺眼。如果她跑来粘我,我更是会一喝把她给喊走。但是,时间是可以培养感情的。我渐渐发觉宠物其实是可以把一家人的感情拉得更好的桥梁,因为当全家人都把话题周旋在这只猫身上,我们就会笑得很开怀。每当看见她睡觉的样子,惹怒她时的模样,我们都会觉得很好笑。

她最讨厌洗澡了。听说猫咪都是怕水的,所以每当妈妈抓她去洗澡时,她都会发出呜呜~的惨叫声。但是阿猫,不洗澡就会肮脏,肮脏就会长虱子。为你洗澡也是for your own good呀!





Sunday 14 October 2012


Posted by at 11:21:00

Saturday 6 October 2012

lazy life?

Posted by at 17:51:00
Finally Im home!Being at home means that my lazy life will be beginning soon.Phew~I will spend my remaining two weeks to watch TVB drama,reading novels,doing house works and of course preparing for moot competition.Actually I really have no enthusiasm to start my moot competition now,it is holiday now right.Holiday is meant for resting,playing but not working ma,somehow we still need to worry about the competition,this will just make my life so dull,lol...

Let's see what I've done during the post-exam period.As usual,celebrated Suit Yee's 21st birthday with exhausted body and big eye bags!Anyway,we still enjoyed the night with good food,sing k and of course photos snapping.Although all of us just finished the killing Equity paper in the noon,we still could turn our mood immediately and played until 2am++.Salute us@@
Celebrated mid autumn festival with him in melaka this year.Without candles,tanglung and tea.But we got ourselves a mooncake.The most happiest thing is we got the mooncake with 30% off,wee...So,the price after discount was around RM5,just too worth la.I already forgot which flavour we bought...I think its something like mocha or tiramisu.
Planned to buy some clothes but ended up with nothing.Just couldn't get a satisfying cloth,so disappointed! By the way,I really ate a lot.Now,Im home and I think I will continue to eat a lot more.Happy holidays my friend!!!Don't forget to do research as well,LOL...
For me,I would rather read novel first.Okay,finally done with this story.Although the story is a bit sentimental,but the happy ending story still satisfying me.Which next?I think I shall continue with 《千山暮雪》recommended by Mun Mun long time ago.Any other nice novel recommend?I still have 2 more weeks to go...
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