
Monday 27 February 2012

Genting Highlands again

Posted by at 11:38:00
My vacation haven't ended though all of us have left Penang.Two of us continued to play from the north to the Genting Highlands,we're backed!We took bus from Penang to KL.Seriously,the speed of the bus was extremely fast.After separating with our friends,we went to Genting with 430pm bus from KL.The way up to Genting Highlands was not as smoothly as we expected.Actually we bought 4pm bus ticket to depart from KL.Who knows the bus driver was too punctual to depart.He just drove the bus away 4pm sharp.So,we missed the bus!Geramnya!!!Luckily,another bus driver allowed us to take 430pm bus to Genting.
It was raining along the way from KL to Genting.We're so worried that we can't take the sky way.However, the fact proved that our worries were redundant.We also don't need to queue like a half-dead dog at the entrance as that day was not peak season,haha!
Then came to the time for dinner.As both of us were quite hungry and we were not willing to spend money in those expensive yet small portion food,so we decided to eat buffet.Wuahaha...I personally think that eating buffet at Genting is quite worth.You can eat whatever you like unlimitedly.We chose Coffee Terrace as Winnie suggested and actually this is a good recommendation.Nice place with nice food and of course the price is reasonable.Only RM70+ per person and you can enjoy Japanese,Chinese,Asian,Nyonya,Western and local cuisine.

Are you ready to eat?:D
O my salmon!
Gong Bou Sotong,mou dak deng ar!
my face is round,my neck is round,my arms are round,my whole body is round!
still raining when we were leaving Genting.
I don't know what's wrong with my mouth,LOL.
again,my face is round,my neck is round,my arms are round,my whole body is round!
Everyone should have the most happiest moment in life and I think currently I'm in the most out of rationality situation.Perhaps I am being doted always?Somehow I just feel like want to blog something about us though this is an unusual act.Anyway,happy 1st year anniversary!

Friday 24 February 2012


Posted by at 11:17:00
趁我还没回来江沙之前,跑了一趟戏院看了这部《高海拔之恋2》。原本并没有任何intention要看这部戏的,即使之前在电台曾经听过DJ介绍这部电影,但是我俩一开始还是在《ghost rider 2》和《结婚那件事》周旋着。结果无意中,我们看见了这张海报,再知道这部戏已正上映,所以便二话不说买票去看了。

《高海拔之恋II》Romancing In Thin Air 

红遍大中华的天王巨星Michael(古天乐饰)与国内知名女星圆圆(高圆圆 饰)的大婚当日,竟被一名矿工(王宝强 饰)抢婚成功!Michael情伤酗酒,误打误撞登上阿秀(郑秀文 饰)的小货车,被载到海拔3800米的树海旅馆。  阿秀是小旅馆的老板娘,好心收留沮丧的Michael,Michael更无意中发现阿秀以往曾经是自己的超级粉丝,更因此成就了她与丈夫小田(李光洁 饰)的一段姻缘,然而小田8年前在旅馆附近的“白茫树海”失踪后一直生死未卜。


电影的main setting,树海旅馆。



Thursday 23 February 2012

Penang vacation

Posted by at 22:28:00
2 weeks exam period doesn't beat us down.We were still energetic enough to start our journey to the north.After almost 7 hours of bus journey,finally we reached the beautiful island-Penang island!And there's my vacation started,filled with lots of joy,tiredness,sweat and a pair of totally aching legs.
Due to energy constraint,I shall end this post with lots of photos.Heeee...
Penang-with the honour of Pearl of the Orient
We slept and awoke,awoke and continued to sleep in the bus.However,photosss is a must to do job!

Consulting Jason for our trip.
Here's the place where we stayed for 2 nights.Honestly,this place is so nice.
The school opposite to our guesthouse.
I know him!He is John Lennon!LOL.

#Our first meal.Just a short break before heading to our destination.All of us found that the yam cakes were so tasty.
waiting for Rapid Penang,huh!
#Gurney Drive-first food hunting place,but the foods just so so...

haha,funny rules in our room yet I think I was one of the rules breaker.
And I think we were just too exhausted during the first night in Penang.Actually we planned to wake up early in the morning to start our road trip.Unfortunately,all of us were overslept,LOL.
After having a simple breakfast provided by our guesthouse,we walked to the Cheong Fatt Tze Mansion.What is so special about this house?Hahaha...It was just because we had read the case about this mansion and the hotel beside it from our Torts la.One more funniest thing is...We don't know to pronounce the Chinese name of Cheong Fatt Tze properly.Anyway,his name is 张弼(bi)士。

overview of the blue mansion.

hot ar hot!
#The famous cendol in Penang.

#Penang laksa.The laksa stall is located at the downhill of Kek Lok Si,slurp!

Yuki's OS:I want to be forever with Aaron!

#after a  knotty Rapid journey,we reached Toys Museum!

Under the sea,under the childhood le!

#Batu Ferringhi Beach with a super nice and comfortable scenery.

#One day journey ain't enough!So,we did some food hunting!Here's the  wantan mee stall and it's really nice to eat.
yummy yummy!我依然对它念念不忘。
#Nasi Kandar Beratur.This costs us RM22 man!
As it's signboard says-BERATUR
#Say cheeseee before leaving Penang=)

And we left Penang with satisfaction.Last but not least,happy holiday to all MMU-ians.
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