
Saturday, 15 December 2012


Posted by at 01:02:00
I am supposing to hold my Equity book and study like no day and night now.Equity midterm is on next Monday but I am blogging here instead.Okay la,just let myself to give a little update in recent life.20 minutes will be enough for me to write a short post here.

So,final exam schedule was released and honestly,the schedule is sucks!Company and land paper will be held in 2 days consecutively.All of us can prepare to break down during that period.By the way,we can enjoy our Chinese New Year to the max as the exam will finish before CNY.But for us,it is actually nothing different because we all have to start legal attachment after enjoying only one week of CNY.

December,this is a busy month.Only busy and stress can express my feeling towards this month.Luckily,I still can have a short getaways during Christmas.This is the only reason I like this month.Christmas,please come faster...I want to feel the warmest moment where Christmas songs can be heard around,weeee...

Works just never finished.Have to get myself into mooting again...Redo bundle of authorities,rewrite script,remoot and reface with judges.May God bless me to go through this competition.At least,I wish to achieve something during my entire law student life.

Fire drill held in our apartment.It's not a joke,the progress really macam yes!

Fresh taufu fa all the way from Muar.Thanks to Miss.Chong Jia Min for making my exam day with a little sweetness.Still,I miss the smoothness of the taufu fa.

Managed to get some samples from The Body Shop while buying Woon's birthday gift.The promoter really nice in servicing customers.

Then,comes to Woon's birthday celebration.

And lastly,awaiting the arrival of it's "body". *eye blinking*

It's all get better in time...

Monday, 3 December 2012


Posted by at 03:22:00

其实,我是个很爱早睡的人。但是渐渐地,我发觉早睡这个习惯已离我而去了。不是我吃饱饭太得空坐在电脑前不睡觉。此时此刻,我的肩膀可是酸死了,只是我真的没办法躺下去。因为我知道,一旦睡了,我就不够时间读书了。要知道,连续两天考试真的不是开玩笑的,虽然只是mid term,但试问谁又敢掉以轻心呢?

所以,我就借着这一小段的“break time”,随便在这里敲几个字吧!

这两个星期都不是个好过的星期,因为全部mid term和assignment都在等着我们一一去征服。我唯一能期待的就是即将来临的圣诞节和新年。管它什么世界末日的,反正我也没把这件事情放在心上,毕竟日子还是要过。




Friday, 30 November 2012


Posted by at 21:28:00
Before the end of November,I must really squeeze some time to blog about my current life.Okay,the first thing that I want to highlight of course is his 21st birthday celebration.Celebrating his birthday was like conducting an event,many little tiny things need to be settled and not only have to attend one celebration,I was like a senator that need to attend many dinner invitations during the past 2 weeks.By the way,I personally think that birthday celebration must be a very happy one,especially when you're celebrating with your best friends,family and love one.I was feeling so happy and grateful as he is so lucky to have all these in his life.Must be satisfying huh Mr.Phang?
I know you are so eager to enter into the casino.And now,congratulations to you!
with his dad&mom.
The green tea thousand layer cake never disappointed us.It's tasty.
Both of us looked so kekok in this photo>.<
For his dinner with just 2 of us,we went to Rock&Roll Cafe at Melaka Raya.This place is quite silent as there's not so many customers dine in this cafe.But the food actually is okay and price also reasonable.The owner of this cafe is a foreigner who likes music.The decoration of this cafe is all about the rockstars/singers which can be traced back to 1960 something.You may find that all the tables also pasted with lots of guitars&singers paper cuttings.
After done with his birthday, I straightly went into the mood of preparing my internal mooting competition.From the initial worriment until last Friday,finally I ended up my moot with satisfying result.At least,I together with my partner won the case.Although it was just an internal moot,but I really enjoyed with it and actually mooting is fun!Somehow I even find that BM moot is easier than English moot,just the work of translating those opening and formal speech was quite thrilling.We tried so many times to read those sentences such as "Yang arif, dengan kebenaran yang arif, saya ingin bla bla bla..." just to see whether the sentence will be weird or not.By the way,this is a new and special experience of mine.
So,am I look professional in this photo?hiak hiak!
with the judge,counsels and bailiff.
And now,when everything is over,I go back to my normal life as a law student.Just done with my first mid term paper which is the land law yesterday night.Again,I think I've done a lot of mistakes in the questions.Gotta pay more hard work in the coming papers on next week.So,with 2 papers and 1 assignment on next week,I prefer to anticipate next week with a good meal after going through the hectic week.*I really craving for steamboat!*

Wednesday, 21 November 2012

Posted by at 00:25:00


Wednesday, 14 November 2012


Posted by at 01:18:00




Monday, 15 October 2012


Posted by at 22:04:00

这只臭东西入了我们家门大概两年多了。原本她是一只流浪猫,但是我那热爱小动物的妹妹看见她在外流浪很可怜,就一直喂她吃东西。 慢慢地,她就开始在我们家流连了。久而久之,她就升级变成了我们家的宠物猫。起初我和爸爸都很讨厌她,因为我们都是不太喜爱小动物的人。每当我回到家,看见她在家里走来走去的样子都觉得很不顺眼。如果她跑来粘我,我更是会一喝把她给喊走。但是,时间是可以培养感情的。我渐渐发觉宠物其实是可以把一家人的感情拉得更好的桥梁,因为当全家人都把话题周旋在这只猫身上,我们就会笑得很开怀。每当看见她睡觉的样子,惹怒她时的模样,我们都会觉得很好笑。

她最讨厌洗澡了。听说猫咪都是怕水的,所以每当妈妈抓她去洗澡时,她都会发出呜呜~的惨叫声。但是阿猫,不洗澡就会肮脏,肮脏就会长虱子。为你洗澡也是for your own good呀!





Sunday, 14 October 2012


Posted by at 11:21:00

Saturday, 6 October 2012

lazy life?

Posted by at 17:51:00
Finally Im home!Being at home means that my lazy life will be beginning soon.Phew~I will spend my remaining two weeks to watch TVB drama,reading novels,doing house works and of course preparing for moot competition.Actually I really have no enthusiasm to start my moot competition now,it is holiday now right.Holiday is meant for resting,playing but not working ma,somehow we still need to worry about the competition,this will just make my life so dull,lol...

Let's see what I've done during the post-exam period.As usual,celebrated Suit Yee's 21st birthday with exhausted body and big eye bags!Anyway,we still enjoyed the night with good food,sing k and of course photos snapping.Although all of us just finished the killing Equity paper in the noon,we still could turn our mood immediately and played until 2am++.Salute us@@
Celebrated mid autumn festival with him in melaka this year.Without candles,tanglung and tea.But we got ourselves a mooncake.The most happiest thing is we got the mooncake with 30% off,wee...So,the price after discount was around RM5,just too worth la.I already forgot which flavour we bought...I think its something like mocha or tiramisu.
Planned to buy some clothes but ended up with nothing.Just couldn't get a satisfying cloth,so disappointed! By the way,I really ate a lot.Now,Im home and I think I will continue to eat a lot more.Happy holidays my friend!!!Don't forget to do research as well,LOL...
For me,I would rather read novel first.Okay,finally done with this story.Although the story is a bit sentimental,but the happy ending story still satisfying me.Which next?I think I shall continue with 《千山暮雪》recommended by Mun Mun long time ago.Any other nice novel recommend?I still have 2 more weeks to go...

Monday, 24 September 2012


Posted by at 03:25:00

我依然倚在书桌前,翻着land law课本。没错,就只是翻,我也不知道自己在读着什么@@听着五月天的《天使》。下个星期还有两份考卷,一个是land law,一个是equity&trust.两科的准备都还处于initial phase,我该怎么办呢?天啊,此时此刻,我很需要更坚定的力量!


这个sem屁股痒跑去拿了law of banking.结果换来的是后悔无比,真是一科折磨人的科目啊!考完这科后,我直接就把那些notes都塞进箱子去!


Sunday, 2 September 2012


Posted by at 16:08:00
It's September!
Hectic life is still going on as usual.As expected,third year is not easy.We attended lectures and tutorials week-to-week like that's a cycle which we already immune of.We need to read cases or articles every week for preparing to answer during tutorials.Okay,now almost comes to the end of semester,I really need to catch up my time as I could feel that time really fliessss...

Legal attachment will be starting from 18/2/2013.Just a few months left and we are required to submit the decision of place for our legal attachment on 12th of this month.Gosh!I am still hesitating in choosing place.Actually I am quite looking forward to the coming legal attachment.I like practical work instead of just studying like a bookworm.I like challenges yet I quite worry that I will be scolded during working.Ahhh...That's life!I truly know that I shall prepare myself well to cope with all these problems and circumstances.Just pray that I can overcome and go through all obstacles,praying...

As a third year student,all of us are required to take part in the internal law moot competition.Haha...I was chosen to moot in Bahasa Msia.Another challenge is awaiting for me.Haih...How to moot in BM le?I am just so headache in translating all those legal terms into BM,@@

Recently,there's a new way to relieve stress.I think everyone should have listened to Oppa Gangnam Style?This is a funny song with funny singer and dancing,haha...Let's Op Op Oppa Gangnam Style!

Sunday, 26 August 2012


Posted by at 00:54:00
一阵嘻嘻闹闹后,我就正式步入21岁了。Yay...!FOREVER 21!!!



晚上就和潘大少去了一间意大利餐厅学人扮高尚。哈哈。。。As usual,我又是吃到一阵ping ling pa lang的,怎么总是觉得这种餐厅的叉子特别重呢?无论如何,还是要谢谢潘大少还有他两位妹妹sponsor的生日蛋糕。感激的话都不知该怎么说了。。。

今年收到了两份不同的保养品,一个保皮肤一个保脸。朋友们,谢谢你们,我会好好善用的。有朝一日,我就是最美丽的女人了!wuahahahaha.... *evil laugh*


Sunday, 19 August 2012


Posted by at 02:23:00
上个星期与朋友们去吃晚餐,说是要帮我补庆生日。我们就选择去了一间还未试过的“满载而归”。之前就听说这里的service不太理想,但是固执的我们还是想要去试试,因为又听说那里的甜点“chocolate lava”很不错。到最后,结论就是:

2)食物都很大分,steak简直就可以两个人share share吃,价钱还ok.
3)甜点“chocolate lava”确实是不错啦!但是一个人吃一份就会觉得腻,毕竟那是一份很甜的甜食。当天我们四个人叫一份share来吃,那就刚刚好。连不爱吃甜的刘静都说不错。
我所说的“心太软”-chocolate lava!外相还不错啦!

这间咖啡馆名叫“Coffee in the house”,店的装潢还蛮雅致呢!墙壁上挂着许多旧时名人的portrait,其中我懂的有Beatles,店里店外分别都挂上了Beatles的portrait. Coffee in the house,顾名思义就是卖咖啡饮品的,所以当我们一步入这间店时,我们都可以闻到浓浓的咖啡香。离开店后,大家身上都沾有咖啡的味道了。店内还摆放着一些书籍供客人阅读,还有最surprise我的是厕所的墙壁设计,实在是太有心思了!


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