Posted by Samantha Chai at 16:08:00
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It's September!

Hectic life is still going on as usual.As expected,third year is not easy.We attended lectures and tutorials week-to-week like that's a cycle which we already immune of.We need to read cases or articles every week for preparing to answer during tutorials.Okay,now almost comes to the end of semester,I really need to catch up my time as I could feel that time really fliessss...

Hectic life is still going on as usual.As expected,third year is not easy.We attended lectures and tutorials week-to-week like that's a cycle which we already immune of.We need to read cases or articles every week for preparing to answer during tutorials.Okay,now almost comes to the end of semester,I really need to catch up my time as I could feel that time really fliessss...
Legal attachment will be starting from 18/2/2013.Just a few months left and we are required to submit the decision of place for our legal attachment on 12th of this month.Gosh!I am still hesitating in choosing place.Actually I am quite looking forward to the coming legal attachment.I like practical work instead of just studying like a bookworm.I like challenges yet I quite worry that I will be scolded during working.Ahhh...That's life!I truly know that I shall prepare myself well to cope with all these problems and circumstances.Just pray that I can overcome and go through all obstacles,praying...
As a third year student,all of us are required to take part in the internal law moot competition.Haha...I was chosen to moot in Bahasa Msia.Another challenge is awaiting for me.Haih...How to moot in BM le?I am just so headache in translating all those legal terms into BM,@@
Recently,there's a new way to relieve stress.I think everyone should have listened to Oppa Gangnam Style?This is a funny song with funny singer and dancing,haha...Let's Op Op Oppa Gangnam Style!
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